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Pro Gold i2 Online User Manual


Appendix D - Instructions for Closing Statements

• Verify default statement items (view Closing Item Setup Icon)

• Enter a space in front of the items below to have them sort to top of list on formats 1-3:
         - pc_salesprice
         - ss_salesprice

• Verify default receipt acknowledgement statement in Main Setup Tab => Change Company Information Icon => Closing Statement Tab

• Property must have a Closed status and it must have an escrow account assigned to the property and a Sale Price entered; (if Buyer/Seller names are to be used, they must be populated prior to starting the closing statement)

• Property data (Sale Price, Buyer/Seller Name, etc…) populated upon initial entry into statement (must recalculate statement if any items change which resets all amounts entered manually)

• There are 4 formats available

• Format One
         - Suppresses Zero $ line items
         - Charges & Credits displayed in horizontal columns
         - Sorts sale price figures (if space entered)

• Format Two
         - Does "not suppress" Zero $ line items
         - Charges & Credits displayed in vertical columns
         - Sorts sale price figures (if space entered)

• Format Three
         - Has extra space between Broker Signature block and seller/buyer signature block for additional buyer/seller entries
         - Suppresses Zero $ line items
         - Charges & Credits displayed in vertical columns
         - Sorts sale price figures (if space entered)

• Format Four
         - Has smaller Top & Bottom margins (prints more items on page)
         - Does "not suppress" Zero $ line items
         - Charges & Credits displayed in vertical columns
         - Does "not sort" sale price figures


  1. Can edit/replace any line item text in the statement (type over existing text)
  2. Can manually override $ amounts pulled in from property
  3. Recalculate button resets all the line item $ amounts; can be used to remove existing line items for a particular property by removing default flag on items not needed and recalculating (must go back and replace default check mark for future statements) or can delete a line item directly
  4. Text for Broker name is pulled from the "Contact" field in the Company's Office record (under Office Setup)