Chapter 19 - Creating an Invoice/Establishing Agent Receivable Balances
Invoices Icon (Manual: One at a time) Method
Can create invoices individually in this area
Select “New” to create an invoice
Review Date block; modify if default not applicable
Go to Payment Terms block and select appropriate term (e.g., Upon Receipt) to establish an Due date for the invoice (Can set default payment terms in customer record)
Go to Description block and enter appropriate text (e.g., Ad expense, MLS Dues, Phone Fees, etc…) Note: Line items sorted alphabetically when printed (label accordingly to group them)
Go to Credit Account block and enter appropriate Credit G/L account for the transaction
Go to Amount block, enter appropriate dollar amount, and Tab out (Tab to next line for calculation to update)
Verify sub-total and total blocks
Use “Post” button to update general ledger (Note: Do not post invoice to G/L until all charges are finalized on invoice to prevent multiple in/out entries in G/L)
“Post” invoice once all charges have been entered
Select “Done” to save and close invoice
Sample Agent Invoice Entry Screen
![Sample Agent Invoice Entry Screen](/images/manual/19.3a.jpg)