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Pro Gold i2 Online User Manual


Chapter 13 - Creating Deposits

Helpful Hints

  • The Deposit Tab allows you to:
    1. Enter deposits
    2. Create deposit slips
    3. Transfer undeposited checks to deposit slips
  • Contains both a date and a date received to reflect date deposited and date you actually received it (important for escrow tracking)
  • When escrow type account selected, contains a Property ID field (required entry) to tie the transaction to the actual property for escrow tracking requirements
  • Upon entering the Deposit Tab
    1. First verify appropriate bank account (e.g., General checking, etc…) in upper right of Tab
    2. The last transaction entered for the account selected will display
    3. Select “New” and then “Yes” to create/add a new deposit
    4. Select appropriate date (click calendar box, select date if default not applicable)
    5. Enter appropriate dollar amount (Tab out or click mouse in memo field)   
    6. If Escrow account used, ensure appropriate Property ID is assigned
    7. If Escrow transaction, system will automatically enter Property ID, property address and dollar amount in memo field (Always work from the property record to initiate a deposit transaction)
    8. Enter applicable Credit General Ledger account(s)
    9. System will not allow selection of G/L account that is assigned to a bank account (e.g., 1010, 1030, etc…)
    10. If Escrow account, default Escrow Liability G/L account [e.g., 2500] will automatically be entered
  • The Memo field is used for comments to describe the transaction
  • You can edit or delete any deposit not posted to the General Ledger
  • Use “Post” button to post deposit to the General Ledger
  • May “UnPost” the deposit to make any modifications
  • Find button brings up menu that allows you to search for deposits by date
  • If your company uses Pro Gold XP to track receivables (i.e., Receivables Tab), you must use the 1090 Undeposited Funds account as the Credit entry when receiving payments (i.e., personal check/cash from Agents) on Agent Invoices
  • Receiving/processing payments through the Receivables Tab will be covered in Receivables training